Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR)

How GPR Works
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) operates by transmitting a pulse of electromagnetic radiation from an antenna into a pavement and captures the reflections from different layer interfaces. This method helps in determining the pavement composition, including the depths and thicknesses of individual layers and identifying construction changes.

PMS GPR Equipment and Operation
The GPR equipment used by PMS is a vehicle borne inspection GPR configuration used for the high-speed survey of pavements. The system is based on multi-channel, high performance radar technology. The system operated by PMS is equipped with a 2 GHz horn antenna for shallow depths (<1m) and 600 MHz antenna for deeper penetration (<3m). GPR surveys are conducted at appropriate traffic speeds specific to sit requirements, ensuring accuracy and efficiency

GPR for Pavement Analysis
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-destructive tool that can be used to obtain information about the construction of a pavement and its internal features. This information can be used to enhance pavement condition information obtained from visual condition, deflection surveys, coring and trial pits. GPR can provide information about changes in pavement construction, layer thicknesses and defects/features within the pavement

Compliance and Best Practices
PMS hold an OFCOM licence and operate GPR as required in respect of the EuroGPR Code of Good Practice. All GPR surveying in accordance with The European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI EG 202 730 V1.1.1 (2009-09). This document provides comprehensive information on recommended practice when carrying out GPR work.